[Tex/LaTex] SmartArt graphics in LaTeX


I want to make a SmartArt Graphic (as it is called in PowerPoint) to show different types of convergence and links between these one for measure theory course. I made in LaTeX the following 'SmartArt graphic':

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,every node/.style={shape=rectangle,draw,rounded corners},]
    % create the nodes
    \node (c1)[font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ]{
        \textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a}} \\
        \textbf{uniform\u{a} aproape sigur\u{a}} \\
    \node (c2) [left =of c1,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} complet\u{a}}};
    \node (c3) [below =of c2,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} tare}};
    \node (c4) [below =of c1,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} aproape sigur\u{a}}};
    \node (c5) [right =of c4,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} uniform asimptotic\u{a}}};
    \node (c6) [below left =of c4,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n probabilitate}};
    \node (c7) [below right =of c4,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {
        \textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n }\\
        \textbf{medie de ordinul $r>0$} \\
    \node (c12) [below=of c7,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n $L^q,0<q<r$}};
    \node (c8) [below =of c6,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n  reparti\c{t}ie}};
    \node (c9) [below =of c8,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {\textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n func\c{t}ie de reparti\c{t}ie}};
    \node (c10) [below =of c9,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont ] {
        \textbf{Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n func\c{t}ie}\\
        \textbf{caracteristic\u{a}} \\
    \draw[bend left=45,black,latex-,line width=2pt] (c3.west) to (c2.west);
    \draw[bend left=45,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c2.east) to (c3.east);
    \draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (c4.west) to (c3.east);
    \draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (c1.south) to (c4.north);
    \draw[black,latex-,<->,line width=2pt] (c5) to (c4);
    \draw[bend left=25,black,latex-,line width=2pt] (c6.north) to (c4.south west);
    \draw[bend left=25,red,latex-,line width=2pt] (c4.south) to (c6.east);
    \draw[bend left=10,red,latex-,line width=2pt] (c4.south east) to (c7.north);
    \draw[bend left=25,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c7.west) to (c4.south);
    \draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (c7) to (c12);
    \draw[bend left=45,black,latex-,line width=2pt] (c8.west) to (c6.west);
    \draw[bend left=45,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c6.east) to (c8.east);
    \draw[black,latex-,<->,line width=2pt] (c8) to (c9);
    \draw[black,latex-,<->,line width=2pt] (c9) to (c10);
    \draw[bend left=35,blue,latex-,line width=2pt] (c4.south) to (c8.east);
     \draw[black,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (2,0) node at (4,0){Implica\c{t}ie direct\u{a}};
\break \break
     \draw[blue,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (2,0) node at (6,0){Implica\c{t}ie \^{i}n condi\c{t}ii suplimentare};
\break \break
     \draw[red,latex-,->,line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (2,0) node at (5,0){Implica\c{t}ie pe un sub\c{s}ir};
\break \break

and I obtained:
enter image description here

My question is: How is it possible to format my diagram to look like the one below?
enter image description here

Yes, thank you very much and I am sorry for my lack of bravity (cfr). I translate my graphic and hope that it is correct. (I used : Patrick Billingsley, Convergence of Probability Measures and Albert Shiryaev, Probability).enter image description here

Best Answer

Like this?



  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9,transform shape]
      every node/.style={draw,rounded corners,font=\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont\bfseries,align=center,on grid,inner sep=8pt},
      node distance=2cm and 9cm,
      every path/.style={line width=2pt,line cap=round}
    \node (c1)[]{
      Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \\
      uniform\u{a} aproape sigur\u{a}
    \node (c2) [left =of c1,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} complet\u{a}};
    \node (c3) [below =of c2,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} tare};
    \node (c4) [below =of c1,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} aproape sigur\u{a}};
    \node (c5) [right =of c4,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} uniform asimptotic\u{a}};
    \node (c6) [below left =4cm and 9cm of c4,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n probabilitate};
    \node (c7) [below right =of c4,] {
      Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n \\
      medie de ordinul $r>0$ 
    \node (c12) [below=of c7,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n $L^q,0<q<r$};
    \node (c8) [below =4cm of c6,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n  reparti\c{t}ie};
    \node (c9) [right=of c8,] {Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n func\c{t}ie de reparti\c{t}ie};
    \node (c10) [right =of c9,] {
      Convergen\c{t}\u{a} \^{i}n func\c{t}ie\\

      (c1) edge (c4) 
      (c2) edge (c3)
      (c3) edge (c4)
      (c4) edge (c5)
      (c4) edge (c6)
      (c4) edge (c7)
      (c7) edge (c12)
      (c6) edge (c8)
      (c8) edge (c9)
      (c9) edge (c10)

    \coordinate(sep aux)at($(c6)!.5!(c8)$);
    \coordinate(sep)at($(current bounding box.west|-sep aux)+(-2cm,0)$); 
    \coordinate(T1)at($(current bounding box.north west-|sep)!.5!(sep)$);
    \coordinate(T2)at($(current bounding box.south west-|sep)!.5!(sep)$);

    \draw(sep)--(sep-|current bounding box.east);
    \node[anchor=west,draw=none]at(T1){\Huge I};
    \node[anchor=west,draw=none]at(T2){\Huge II};


enter image description here