[Tex/LaTex] Size of parenthesis ( ) in text mode


Is known that you change the sizes of parenthesis in math mode, but in text mode?. For example, I have this situation:

(and there is open ball $B(x,\nicefrac{1}{i})$)

As you can see the two last parenthesis have the same size, but I want to distinguish the parenthesis for comment from parenthesis for equation putting the text mode parenthesis largest.

PD: Note the use of nicefrac package.

Best Answer

Here I use \scalerel* to make a ( as big as a \strut (any bigger and it will affect line spacing).

\scalerel*{(}{\strut}and there is open ball $B(x,\nicefrac{1}{i})$\scalerel{)}{\strut}

enter image description here

If one prefers a stretched rather than scaled version, just use \stretchrel instead.

\stretchrel*{(}{\strut}and there is open ball $B(x,\nicefrac{1}{i})$\stretchrel{)}{\strut}

enter image description here

Technically speaking, the \scalerel'ed paren is actually in math mode, but I confirmed that it typesets no different than a text mode version (\scalerel can force its argument into text mode by literally enclosing the argument between $ signs).