[Tex/LaTex] Size commands do not work in mathmode




All the \wedges have the same size…

enter image description here

Best Answer

\small and \tiny are text font macros (just like \large, \huge, ...). You most likely received the following font warnings in your .log file:

LaTeX Font Warning: Command \small invalid in math mode on input line 3.

LaTeX Font Warning: Command \tiny invalid in math mode on input line 3.

Inside math mode, in order to use a different (smaller) font, you could/should use \scriptstyle or \scriptscriptstyle:

enter image description here


\scriptstyle denotes the font size of super-/subscripts, while \scriptscriptstyle denotes the font size for super-/subscripts of super-/subscripts. Thereafter (higher scripting), the font size remains at \scriptscriptsize. See

enter image description here

$x\ x^x\ x^{x^x}\ x^{x^{x^x}}\ x^{x^{x^{x^x}}}$

That's why there's a suggestion to use \scalebox (and possibly some height adjustment using \raisebox) - it allows you to have a little more variation in the fonts in smaller/larger sized.

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