[Tex/LaTex] siunitx table: column with and without units

horizontal alignmentsiunitxtables

I have a table listing several properties. Some of them have a unit some don't. All have a uncertainty. Now I want to align them properly in the table using the siunitx package.
See following MWE:




    Property    & {Value} \\\hline
    A           & \SI{284.98 \pm 5.2}{\meter} \\\hline
    B           & \SI{3.86 \pm 0.3}{\kilo\gram} \\\hline
    C           & \num{96.4 \pm 42.3} \\\hline


The problem is, that none of the values are aligned correctly.

The result should like the following:

A    284.98 +/-  5.2 m
B      3.86 +/-  0.3 kg
C     96.4  +/- 42.3

However, the alignment of the uncertainty is not necessarily required.

Best Answer


S[table-format=3.2]@{\,\( \pm \)\,}
s[table-unit-alignment = left]
Property    &\multicolumn{3}{c}{Value}  \\
A           & 284.98 & 5.2 & \si{\meter} \\
B           & 3.86 & 0.3 & \si{\kilo\gram}  \\
C           & 96.4 & 42.3  \\

In this MWE, I have separated the number and the uncertainty into two columns that are automatically separated by the +- sign. With table-format=3.2 I can make sure, that the numbers are aligned correctly with respect to the decimal separator. The units are in a third column and left-aligned. Additionally, I have removed all vertical lines and have replaced \hrules by the lines of the booktabs package.

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