[Tex/LaTex] siunitx does not detect typeface and size


I am using a template from PNAS (http://www.pnas.org/site/authors/LaTex.xhtml) on sharelatex and when I am adding units like:


they are not scaled properly, as seen in the attached image.
Example of siunitx not scaled properly
Moreover, is there a way that I could force siunitx to use the surrounding fonts. I have tried to use in the preamble:

\sisetup{detect-weight=true, detect-family=true}

with no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.

Edit 1: Minimal example added

\sisetup{detect-weight=true, detect-family=true}

This is a minimal example. The following units \SI{15}{\mL} do not render with the same typeface and size as the surrounding text. 

Best Answer

The class doesn't use nfss to define fonts and so siunitx has absolutly no chance to detect the font (and as a side-warning: be careful with non-ascii chars. In the combination with xelatex/lualatex they can come out wrong or be missing all together). You can get around the problem by redefining the font commands:


\sisetup{detect-weight=true, detect-family=true}

This is a minimal example. The following units \SI{15}{\mL} do not render with the same typeface and size as the surrounding text.