[Tex/LaTex] Simplest way to draw a control flow graph similar like this


enter image description here

I'm been using Inkscape for the entire time, and it was just too much time consuming to resize the box, creating the arrow and placing the block etc…
I've noticed about tikz in latex, and wonder if I could create diagrams like this without so much hassle. (e.g manual positioning). The ideal scenario is to just define a block, place some code in, and define the links.

Best Answer

Now with texts.

  node distance = 12mm,
  start chain = going below,
  box/.style = {draw,rounded corners,blur shadow,fill=white,
        on chain,align=center}]
 \node[box] (b1)    {$x_1\leftarrow0$\\ $y_1\leftarrow0$};      
 \node[box] (b2)    {$x_2\leftarrow\phi(x_1,x_3)$\\
 \node[box] (b3)    {$y_3\leftarrow y_2+x_2$\\ $x_3\leftarrow x_2+1$};  
 \node[box] (b4)    {print($y_2$)};     
 \begin{scope}[rounded corners,-latex]
  \path (b2.-40) edge[bend left=50] (b4.40)
  (b1) edge (b2) (b2) edge (b3);
  \draw (b3.230) -- ++(0,-0.3) -| ([xshift=-5mm]b2.west) |-
  ([yshift=3mm]b2.130) -- (b2.130);

enter image description here

I think that it is fair to say that the basics are not too difficult to learn. The problem everyone has is that the pgfmanual has more than 1000 pages, so any answer can be repeated in countless different flavors. Here you could choose another way to bend the path, could use a matrix of nodes and many other things. Your question is about the "Simplest way to draw a control flow graph similar like this?". I do not claim that this is the simplest way, but it is a possible way, which is IMHO rather straightforward.