[Tex/LaTex] simple way to get the Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol (without extra)


I would like to put a Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol in my text. The LaTeX package manfnt allows to easily type the Knuth variant of the Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol. This variant is basically the Z-shaped dangerous band inside a signal diamond attached to a pole (\dbend). This variant is nice but height: it introduces extra interline (because of the pole). I am looking for a Z-shaped only version, a one that is ready to use.

Best Answer

A TikZ version with the height of a "Z". Width, height, rotation angle, line thickness, ... can easily be changed.


  line cap=but,
  line join=round,
  very thick,
  rounded corners=1.5pt,
]\draw (1, 0) -- (0, 0) -- (1, 1) -- (0, 1);
