[Tex/LaTex] Simple way of drawing a filled arrow/triangle for use as item bullet


I'd like to draw a filled arrow and use it as an item bullet in .

I already managed to draw the line with


but I can't create the arrowhead. I though about using the character which is used as default for subitems, but how is it called?

So basically I want these two stitched together:

enter image description here

and vertically centered with the text.

In Powerpoint the little dude looks like:

enter image description here

and equals the character 198 of the Windings 3 font.

There is also the unicode-character 25B8, but I don't know how this could be applied for a solution.

I'm looking for a very basic way and definitely want to avoid .

If I could use the same custom character in normal text, it would be great!



\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{raisedsquare}{\rule[0.5ex]{0.6ex}{0.6ex}}



\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[raisedsquare]
\item First item

\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[triangle]
\item Second item



Best Answer

\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{raisedsquare}{\rule[0.5ex]{0.6ex}{0.6ex}}
\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{boldarrow}{\ArrowBoldRightShort}


\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[raisedsquare]
\item First item

\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[boldarrow]
\item Second item



enter image description here


\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{boldarrow}{\raisebox{0.3ex}{\resizebox{1.2ex}{1ex}{\ArrowBoldRightShort}}}

enter image description here

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