[Tex/LaTex] Simple two-column LaTeX template


I have been looking for a simple two-column LaTeX template.

I have attached a template that I like, but I am unable to remove the footer on the bottom of the page. Also, I would like to remove the Categories and Subject section as well.

I tried commenting the sections out using % in the .tex file, but that did not work. I also tried removing this in the .cls file but I received multiple errors when compiling.

Any suggestions or help?


Best Answer

If I add this to the preamble of the example file, I think you get rid of all the stuff you want. (But I haven't tried loading any external packages on top of the basic file.)


\def\@maketitle{\newpage \thispagestyle{titlepage}\par
\centering \begingroup  \lineskip = \z@\null \vskip -7pt\relax %-24.5pt
\parindent\z@ \LARGE { \raggedright \hyphenpenalty\@M
{\titlefont \centering \@title\par}%
{ \vskip 13.5pt\relax \fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont \sf %vskip 13.5pt between title and author
 \begingroup \addtolength{\baselineskip}{2pt}
 \@author\par \vskip -2pt 
 \endgroup }
 \vskip 23pt\relax
        \def\and{\unskip\/{\rm ; }}



You should also comment out these lines (if you are using the TOG-Sample.tex file to test):

% \category{I.3.7}{Computer Graphics}{Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism}[Animation]
% \category{I.3.5}{Computer Graphics}{Computational Geometry and Object Modeling}[Physically based modeling]

% \terms{Experimentation, Human Factors}

% \keywords{Face animation, image-based modelling, iris animation, photorealism, physiologically-based modelling}

% \acmformat{Pamplona, V. F., Oliveira, M. M., and Baranoski, G. V. G. 2009. Photorealistic models for pupil light reflex and iridal pattern deformation.  {ACM Trans. Graph.} 28, 4, Article 106 (August 2009), 11 pages.\newline  DOI $=$  10.1145/1559755.1559763\newline http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1559755.1559763}

You can get rid of the commented sections once you are sure you don't need them. (If you put the modifications into your own .sty file, say acmtog-mods.sty and then load it with \usepackage, you can get rid of the \makeatletter and \makeatother pair.)

In the end, it is probably better to avoid using so specific a class if you want want a 'simple' two-column layout. The package multicol, and maybe a customizable class like memoir or one of the KOMA-Script ones is probably a better route.