[Tex/LaTex] Simple Tikz graph with colors


In my LATEX document, I would like to have the following graph:

enter image description here

Is there a way I can put these colors next to the vertices without the vertex numbers disappear? I don't want to use online drawing tools..

Best Answer

Here is a possibility with distinct colors.

\begin{tikzpicture}[Bullet/.style={circle,draw=gray,ultra thick,minimum width=2em}]
 \path (0,0) node[Bullet,fill=green!60!black] (v0) {$\mathsf{v}0$};
 \foreach \X in {1,...,5}
 \draw[ultra thick,draw=gray] (v0) -- (90+72-72*\X:2) 
 node[Bullet,fill=\mycolor] (v\X){$\mathsf{v}\X$};}

enter image description here

Or with also varying text colors (and numbers also sf, as implicitly asked for by Joule V ;-).

\begin{tikzpicture}[Bullet/.style={circle,draw=gray,ultra thick,minimum width=2em}]
 \path (0,0) node[Bullet,fill=green!60!black] (u) {$\mathsf{u}$};
 \foreach \X in {1,...,5}
 \draw[ultra thick,draw=gray] (u) -- (90+72-72*\X:2) 
 node[Bullet,fill=\mycolor,text=\mytextcolor] (v\X){$\mathsf{v\X}$};}

enter image description here