[Tex/LaTex] Simple Ramp Diagram with Ball


How would I make the following diagram and label the values? I would prefer it if instead of a box, there were a ball rolling down the ramp and the horizontal ground displacement were labeled as well. The force arrow is not necessary. Thank you. ![Diagram

Best Answer

% \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (10,10);
\draw (0,0) rectangle (1,4);    
\draw [rotate around={-25:(1,4)}] (0,4) rectangle ({4/sin(25)+1},4+0.2);    
\draw [rotate around={-25:(1,4)}] (4,4+0.2+0.5) circle (0.5);   
\draw (-1,0) -- (10.3,0);
\draw [latex-latex]  (-0.2,0) -- ++ (0,{4+tan(25)}) node [midway,align=left,xshift=-0.7cm]{height\\of ramp};
\draw [latex-latex]  (1.1,3.7) -- ++ (-25:{8.5}) node [rotate=-25,midway,yshift=-0.3cm]{length of ramp};

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