[Tex/LaTex] Simple frame around page


I need add a frame around all page in latex. If I search on google, I find many options, but anything work well for me. Also I need that page would be A4 and have margin 1.27cm. And on the top of first page I need a head:
enter image description here

EDIT (my code and preview):



\usepackage[total={18.46cm,27.16cm}, top=1.27cm, left=1.27cm, noheadfoot, nomarginpar,showframe]{geometry}


    Jmeno: & ~ & Třída & ~ & LP č. & ~ \\ \hline
    Téma   & ~ & ~     & ~ & ~     & ~ \\

enter image description here

Best Answer

Using tikzpagenodes and eso-picthis can be done as below. Please note that instead of eso-pic, one can also use background package.

 \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \node[inner sep=0pt,text width=\linewidth+2ex+\pgflinewidth,anchor=center] (H) at (current page header area.south) {%
                                |p{0.2\linewidth}|}% \hline
   Umeno: & Trida: & Datum: & Lpc: \\\hline
   \multicolumn{4}{|l|}{Tema} \\\hline
   \draw ([shift={(-1ex,-1ex)}]current page text area.south west) rectangle
          (H.north east);


enter image description here

If you want the table for only first page, define a page style using fancyhdr and use it only for first page.

 \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \draw ([shift={(-1ex,-1ex)}]current page text area.south west) rectangle
          ([shift={(1ex,0ex)}]current page header area.south east);

   Umeno: & Trida: & Datum: & Lpc: \\[1ex]\hline
   \multicolumn{4}{|l|}{Tema} \\[1ex]


enter image description here