[Tex/LaTex] Simple Author, affiliation and email example fails in RevTex4-1


I can't get the following simple author / email / affiliation code to function perfectly in a document for Journal of Mathematical Physics (JMP):

\author{C. A. Brannen}
\affiliation{Department of Physics, Washington State University,\\
Pullman, Washington   99164-2814}

What I get is this:

enter image description here

An annoying superscript (which is apparently referencing the affiliation which needs and possesses no number). I've reinstalled the latest updated MikTex 2.9 and TexnicCenter and get similar results on the template files, when I reduce them to just one author and one email.

I suspect that it's something about my installation. Anyone have a clue why this happens?

Best Answer

It's an unexpected result. However, you can get the proper result by using a \noaffiliation command between the \author and its \affiliation:



\title{The Title}
\author{C. A. Brannen}
\affiliation{Department of Physics, Washington State University,\\
Pullman, Washington   99164-2814}


enter image description here

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