[Tex/LaTex] Signature image using newlfm between closeline and sender name


Is it possible to insert an image of my signature between the closing line and my name in a letter created with the class newlfm?

This is the code I have now:

\usepackage{blindtext, xfrac}




\namefrom{John Smith}
    221B Baker Street\\
    London, UK

    Basil of Baker Street\\
    221$\sfrac{1}{2}$ Baker Street\\
    London, UK

\dateset{January 6, 1914}

\greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}



enter image description here

I tried changing the closing part with:

\closeline{With best regards,\newline

This places the signature nicely just under "With best regards" but leaves too much spaces between the signature and "John Smith".

Best Answer

Your issue here has two parts:

  1. Adding the signature as an image into the letter and
  2. reducing the space between closing line and name.

Solution point 1: As already mentioned in the other answer you can use command \signature to place a photographed signatur into your letter after the closing line and before the printed (readable) name:

\signature{\includegraphics[width=4cm]{example-image-a}} % <============

Please see that I used an example image comming from package mwe, which must be installed but not called ...

Solution point 2: The distance between closing line and following image/name can be controlled for positive values (that means adding more space!) only with

\newlfmP{closeskipafter=0pt} % Skip after closeline before signature image <=================

There is a hard coded new line after the closing line you can only get rid off with patching command \closeline I did not investigate yet.

So the following mwe


\usepackage{blindtext, xfrac}


\newlfmP{dateskipbefore=50pt} % 
\newlfmP{sigsize=50pt}        % Size for written signature
\newlfmP{sigskipbefore=50pt}  % Skip between text and closeline 
\newlfmP{closeskipafter=50pt} % Skip after closeline before signature image <=================


\namefrom{John Smith}
    221B Baker Street\\
    London, UK

    Basil of Baker Street\\
    221$\sfrac{1}{2}$ Baker Street\\
    London, UK

\dateset{January 6, 1914}

\greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

\signature{\includegraphics[width=4cm]{example-image-a}} % <============


you get the resulting pdf:

resulting pdf

As you can see an example image simulation an hand written signature is added and there is an additional distance a defined with command \newlfmP{closeskipafter=50pt}.

Change the value in that command to 0pt to get the minimal possible distance (please note: negative values doe not work!):

resulting pdf with minimal space