[Tex/LaTex] side by side figures wider than margins

floatshorizontal alignmentmarginssubfloats

I'm trying to do exactly what's explained here:

Figure with two side-by-side subfigures that is wider than textwidth

However, I'm working with a large document and already have many subfigures using \usepackage[hang]{subfigure}. If I change to the subcaption package, I would have to change all my other figures and that's too much work. How do I use the lipsum package and \makebox command in conjunction with the subfigure package?

Best Answer

The techniques explained at the linked answer work with subfigure package also.

\usepackage{graphicx,showframe}   %% remove showframe

\caption{my caption}

enter image description here

You can also use adjustbox package.


\begin{adjustbox}{max width=1.2\linewidth,center}
\caption{my caption}

Here the content will be resized only if it exceeds 1.2\linewidth. adjustbox also provides many other goodies. For details, refer to its documentation.

PS. subfigure is deprecated and it is better to change over to subcation or subfig.