[Tex/LaTex] Showcase of optical illusions made with TeX/LaTeX/LuaTeX/ConTeXt


Optical illusions are fun, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a list of optical illusions designed using MetaPost, or PGF/TikZ, or PS-Tricks, or Asymptote. Each entry should display one optical illusion and the code necessary to produce it.

Best Answer

Don't stare at this one for too long.


  \fill[color=black!40!white] (-6,-6) rectangle (6,6);
  \foreach \n/\r/\twist in {70/5/12,56/4/-12,42/3/12,28/2/-12}{
    \foreach \m in {1,3,...,\n}
      \draw [thick,color=white,shift={(360/\n*\m:\r)},rotate=\twist+360/\n*\m]
        (-.15,-.15) rectangle (.15,.15);
    \foreach \m in {2,4,...,\n}
      \draw [thick,color=black,shift={(360/\n*\m:\r)},rotate=\twist+360/\n*\m]
        (-.15,-.15) rectangle (.15,.15);


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