[Tex/LaTex] Shading regions of a graph with Tikz


I'd like to shade the regions labeled A, B, C, D in this graph.

   xmin = 0, xmax = 1000,
   ymin = 12, ymax = 16,
  \addplot[name path global=supply, domain=0:1000, red] { 0.00325*x + 12.5125 };
  \addplot[name path global=demand, domain=0:1000, blue] { -0.013*x + 22.75 };
  \addplot[name path global=world, domain=0:1000, black] { 13 };
  \addplot[name path global=tariff, domain=0:1000, green] { 13.65 };

  \node at (axis cs:100, 13.3) {$A$};
  \node at (axis cs:300, 13.3) {$B$};
  \node at (axis cs:550, 13.3) {$C$};
  \node at (axis cs:720, 13.1) {$D$};


  \legend{$Supply$, $Demand$, $P_{world}$, $P_{tariff}$}


Here's the output:
enter image description here

What I'd like is to shade the regions A, B, C, D — for example, fill the trapezoid A with green, the triangle B with blue, the rectangle C with orange, and the triangle D with purple.

\vasymptote is defined in my preamble:


    \draw [densely dashed,#1] ({rel axis cs:0,0} -| {axis cs:#2,0}) -- ({rel axis cs:0,1} -| {axis cs:#2,0});


    every axis/.append style={
        scale only axis,
    /tikz/every picture/.append style={
        trim axis left,
        trim axis right,

\begin{scope}[thin, >=stealth'] % redefine as flechas
\draw let \p1=#1, \p2=#2, \n0={veclen(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)} in [|<->|,
decoration={markings,mark=at position .5 with {\node[#3] at (0,0)
postaction=decorate] #1 -- #2 ;

Best Answer

Here is a suggestion. I modified \vasymptote to have a second mandatory argument that is a name for the path. I then used name intersections to give node names to the various intersections between the lines, and finally used \fill to add the colour. I used the backgrounds library to add this fill on the background layer, avoiding partial covering of the plot lines.

In addition I suggest you not write the first two legend entries in math mode, and the subscripts in the two last legend entries in an upright font.


    \draw [densely dashed,name path=#3,#1] ({rel axis cs:0,0} -| {axis cs:#2,0}) -- ({rel axis cs:0,1} -| {axis cs:#2,0});


    every axis/.append style={
        scale only axis,
    /tikz/every picture/.append style={
        trim axis left,
        trim axis right,

\begin{scope}[thin, >=stealth'] % redefine as flechas
\draw let \p1=#1, \p2=#2, \n0={veclen(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)} in [|<->|,
decoration={markings,mark=at position .5 with {\node[#3] at (0,0)
postaction=decorate] #1 -- #2 ;

   xmin = 0, xmax = 1000,
   ymin = 12, ymax = 16,
  \addplot[name path global=supply, domain=0:1000, red] { 0.00325*x + 12.5125 };
  \addplot[name path global=demand, domain=0:1000, blue] { -0.013*x + 22.75 };
  \addplot[name path global=world, domain=0:1000, black] { 13 };
  \addplot[name path global=tariff, domain=0:1000, green] { 13.65 };

  \node at (axis cs:100, 13.3) {$A$};
  \node at (axis cs:300, 13.3) {$B$};
  \node at (axis cs:550, 13.3) {$C$};
  \node at (axis cs:720, 13.1) {$D$};


  \legend{Supply, Demand, $P_\mathrm{world}$, $P_\mathrm{tariff}$}

  \path [name intersections={of=supply and world, by={a}},
         name intersections={of=supply and tariff, by={b}},
         name intersections={of=first and world, by={c}},
         name intersections={of=second and world, by={d}},
         name intersections={of=demand and tariff, by={e}},
         name intersections={of=demand and world, by={f}}];

 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  \fill [blue,opacity=.3] (axis cs:0,13) -- (axis cs:0,13.65) -- (b) -- (a) -- cycle;
  \fill [red,opacity=.3] (a) -- (b) -- (c) -- cycle;
  \fill [green,opacity=.3] (b) -- (c) -- (d) -- (e) -- cycle;
  \fill [purple,opacity=.3] (e) -- (d) -- (f) -- cycle;



enter image description here