Shaded Theorems – Spanning Pages with Thmtools


When the thmtools package is used to create theorem environments with a shaded background, it does not allow separate theorems to span more than one page. This is a rather severe problem if the document contains many long theorems, one after the other. Here is a minimal example.


    shaded={bgcolor=\color{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9}}  % comment this line in/out





Here is what it looks like including and not including shading:

How does one include shading, but allow the theorems to span between pages?

Best Answer

You can use \newmdtheoremenv from the mdframed package; a little example (change the lengths and other settings according to your needs):

\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}% just for the example


\newmdtheoremenv [backgroundcolor=mybg, %
innertopmargin =0pt , %
splittopskip = \topskip, % 
skipbelow= 6pt, %
skipabove=6pt, %





enter image description here

As Ulrich Schwarz comments, you can use the preheadhook, postfoothook hooks form thmtools to add the mdframed environment with the desired specifications:

\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}% just for the example


notefont=\mdseries, notebraces={(}{)},
preheadhook={\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=mybg, %
  innertopmargin =0pt , splittopskip = \topskip, % 
  skipbelow= 6pt, skipabove=6pt, %




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