[Tex/LaTex] Setting default distance between subfigures


I use a lot of subfigures in my thesis. What I realize now is that the captions between adjacent subfigures are very close together, which makes them hard to read.

My two questions are therefore:

(1) How can the default distance between two subfigures be increased?


(2) How can the default width of a subfigure caption be decreased?

Example code:

\subfigure[long long caption]{
\subfigure[another long caption]{
\caption{two subfigures}


Best Answer

It depends on that you use subfig, subcaption or the subfigure package (this last actually deprecated in CTAN).

An example with the deperecated subfigure:


% Compare between loose and normal option in the fig. 1
% (see more options in the documentation)   
% \usepackage[loose]{subfigure}

% Compare fig. 1 and 2. subcaptions fixing this value
\subfigcapmargin = .5cm

% Fix these other commands as you want and see
% \subfigtopskip = 2cm
% \subfigcapskip = 2cm
% \subfigcaptopadj = 7cm % when caption is above
% \subfigbottomskip = 2cm
% \subfiglabelskip = 2cm

% See fig 3 to 6 examples of set distances 
% between subfigures 
% (there are not any space default, as far I know)


\subfigure[subcaption aa aa aa aa]{\framebox{... ... figure text ... ...}}
\subfigure[subcaption bb bb bb bb]{\framebox{... ... figure text ... ...}}
\caption[The caption]{The caption}

\subfigcapmargin = .0cm

\subfigure[subcaption aa aa aa aa]{\framebox{... ... figure text ... ...}}
\subfigure[subcaption bb bb bb bb]{\framebox{... ... figure text ... ...}}
\caption[The caption]{The caption}

\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}\hfill
\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}
\caption[The caption]{The caption}

\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}\qquad
\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}
\caption[The caption]{The caption}

\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}
\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}
\caption[The caption]{The caption}

\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}
\subfigure[subcaption]{\framebox{... figure text ...}}
\caption[The caption]{The caption}


Another solution is to use subcaption package (not compatible with subfigure) as is or with some options, since spacing among subfigures are as in any other floats. Example:

        \framebox{... figure text ...}
        \framebox{... figure text ...}

    \caption[The caption]{Subfigures with default space and too much margin in subcaptions}
        \framebox{... figure text ...}
        \framebox{... figure text ...}
    \caption[The caption]{Subfigures with extra space}

Similarly, with subfig package you can also control space between subfloats simply with commands as \qquad and also control many subcaptions options. See the documentation packages.

\subfloat[][subcaption aa aa aa ]{\framebox{... ... figure text ... ... }}%
\subfloat[][subcaption bb bb bb ]{\framebox{... ... figure text ... ... }}%
\caption{The caption}%