[Tex/LaTex] Set width of \cmidrule or \cline


I would like to prepare an income statement, so I found and modified a template for this on this site, giving the following MWE:



\newcommand\SEPx[1]{\vrule width 0pt height \dimexpr\fontcharht\font`A+2ex depth #1ex\relax}


\qq Revenue 1 & & $5,00$ \\
\qq Revenue 2 & & $1247,50$ \\
\qq Revenue 3 & & $24,00$ \\

\qq Cost 1 & $392,00$ \\
\qq Cost 2 & $206,82$ \\
\qq Cost 3 & $21,51$ \\
\qq Total cost & & $620,33$ \\
Net income & & $656,17$ \\


The problem is here: the cmidrule under the totals is too wide, it fills the whole cell, I need it to be more narrow like this (see the red lines):
The cmidrule is too wide

Also, notice the red asterix: the booktabs-package which I'm using allows me to get a "double cline" in the last tabularx-rule, but this also causes a larger line spacing where it's used.

Maybe someone knows a solution 🙂

Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

I'd like to recommend that you load the siunitx package and employ its S column type to align the numbers in columns 2 and 3. Separately, use left- and right-trimming of the \cmidrules in column 2, and left-trimming of the \cmidrules in column 3. From an accounting class I took a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I seem to remember that the rules should be as wide as the widest number in the respective columns. That's achieved by applying left- and right-trimming of the rules.

enter image description here



            group-minimum-digits=4     % optional



\newcommand\SEPx[1]{\vrule width 0pt height \dimexpr\fontcharht\font`A+2ex depth #1ex\relax}


\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{I *{2}{S[table-format=4.2]} @{}}
\qq Revenue 1 &    5,00 \\
\qq Revenue 2 & 1247,50 \\
\qq Revenue 3 &   24,00 \\
\qq Total income & & 1276.50 \\[1ex]
\qq Cost 1    & 392,00 \\
\qq Cost 2    & 206,82 \\
\qq Cost 3    &  21,51 \\
\qq Total cost   & & 620,33 \\
Net income       & & 656,17 \\
