[Tex/LaTex] Set limit on number of authors in citation call-out when using the IEEEtranN bibliography style


I know the thread Set limit to one author when using “et al.” in biblatex but this thread is about BibTeX.

Code where bibliography in BibTeX


\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel} % I think not necessary

\frametitle{Cesarean Section and Epidemiology}

\item First Modern C-section by Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer 1881. \cite{history_c_section}
\item Surgical procedure where one or more incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more babies.
\item 2012, 23M globally. \cite{molina} 10-15\% of all. \cite{who_c_section} but >19\% better? 




@book{ history_c_section,
  author = "Dadebo, Dr. Benjamin",
  year = 2012,
  title = "Begat By God: Understanding the Concept of Being Born Again",
  publisher = "Xlibris Corporation",
  pages = "31–",
  note = "ISBN 978-1-4771-0612-9"

@article{ who_c_section,
  author = "WHO",
  title = "{WHO Statement on Caesarean Section Rates}",
  year = 2015,
  note= "[Online; accessed 7-Feb-2015]"

@article{ molina,
  author = "Molina, G and Weiser, TG and Lipsitz, SR and Esquivel, MM and Uribe-Leitz, T and Azad, T and Shah, N and Semrau, K and Berry, WR and Gawande, AA and Haynes, AB",
  year = 2015,
  title = "{Relationship Between Cesarean Delivery Rate and Maternal and Neonatal Mortality}",
  journal = "JAMA 314",
  volume = "21",
  pages = "2263–70"

Output in one page where you see the problem with Molina

enter image description here

Complication After adding \usepackage{natbib} in beginning

Mico's solution solves the initial bug but causes a complication.
I get the strange top-bar references in each slide

enter image description here

Why is there the references top-bar?

How can you limit the amount of authors in the bibliography of Beamer?

Best Answer

Since you're using the IEEEtranN bibliography style -- hint: the final N in IEEEtranN stands for "natbib" -- you should load the natbib citation management package. Once you do that, you'll get the desired, i.e., truncated list of authors in the citation call-outs generated by \cite.

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