[Tex/LaTex] Separating two types of articles from bibtex using \printbibliography


I am not an expert on LaTeX/TeX but know very basic of it only. I have a .bib file where I put all my "articles" like this in the .bib:

      author         = "Authors1",
      title          = "{Ttile of articles}",
      collaboration  = "Collaboration",
      year           = "2012",

      author         = "Authors2",
      title          = "{Ttile of articles}",
      collaboration  = "Collaboration",
      year           = "2011",
      journal        = "Phys.Lett.",  

The first one is un-published but it's available on the arXiv while the 2nd one is published in a journal … the difference is the line "journal" above.

I want to create two categories of published and unpublished to list the two types separately in an automated way.

How could I achieve this using \printbibliography? It will help me every time I update the list (usually quite large) as things will be taken care in an automated way.
For the moment I am using a .sty file which uses this to define bib categories:

% Bibliography categories                               
\makebibcategory{papers}{Refereed Research Papers}      
\makebibcategory{chapters}{Book chapters}               
\makebibcategory{conferences}{Papers in Conference Proceedings}
\makebibcategory{techreports}{Unpublished working papers}
\makebibcategory{bookreviews}{Book reviews}             
\makebibcategory{phd}{PhD Thesis}                       
\makebibcategory{subpapers}{Submitted Papers to Journals and arXiv}
\makebibcategory{curpapers}{Current projects}           


\renewcommand*{\bibitem}{\addtocounter{papers}{1}\item \mbox{}\hskip-0.85cm\hbox to 0.85cm{\hfill\arabic{papers}.~~}}

\newenvironment{publications}{\section{\LARGE Publications}\label{papersstart}\vspace*{0.2cm}\small


A working example would be of great help. Thanks a lot in advance.

Best Answer

Creating different categories for published and unpublished articles can be done by testing for every @article entry if the field journaltitle (for which the traditional journal is a synonym) is defined.






      author         = "Authors1",
      title          = "{Ttile of articles}",
      collaboration  = "Collaboration",
      year           = "2012",
      author         = "Authors2",
      title          = "{Ttile of articles}",
      collaboration  = "Collaboration",
      year           = "2011",
      journal        = "Phys.Lett.",  




\printbibliography[category=articlepublished,title={Published Articles}]

\printbibliography[category=articleunpublished,title={Unpublished Articles}]


enter image description here

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