[Tex/LaTex] Separate List of Appendices with memoir displaced the index and bibliography!

appendicesmemoirtable of contents

I implemented the instructions found in this forum (link here) to add a separate List of Appendices, as requested by my university. The list should be placed right after the List of Abbreviations as in the picture below: enter image description here

In order to achieve this, I added the following macro:

  \chapter{Test chapter \thedlf}
  \section{test section \thedlf}}
  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}

then I inserted this code right after the Abbreviations section:

    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}

and then, finally, I added after \begin{appendices}


It works pretty well, but both the bibliography and the index have now disappeared from the Table of Contents. They are placed at the end of the List of Appendices. (see picture below) a defective List of AppendicesThe question is: How do I place them back into the ToC?

here is a MWE:

\hypersetup{bookmarks=false,        % show bookmarks bar?
    unicode=true,           % non-Latin characters in Acrobat’s bookmarks
    pdftoolbar=true,        % show Acrobat’s toolbar?
    pdfmenubar=true,        % show Acrobat’s menu?
    pdffitwindow=false,     % window fit to page when opened
    pdfstartview={FitH},    % fits the width of the page to the window
    pdfauthor={},     % author
    pdfsubject={Ph.D. Dissertation},   % subject of the document
    pdfcreator={},   % creator of the document
    pdfproducer={}, % producer of the document
    pdfkeywords={}, % list of keywords
    pdfnewwindow=true,      % links in new window
    colorlinks=true,       % false: boxed links; true: colored links
    linkcolor=black,          % color of internal links
    citecolor=black,        % color of links to bibliography
    filecolor=black,      % color of file links
    urlcolor=black           % color of external links
\definergbcolor{red}{FF0000} %\textxecolor{colorname}{text}
%!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for non-italicized headings%%%%%
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/32655/remove-italic-from-memoir-headings-pagestyle

%!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for margins, l=1.5; rest=1.0, maybe add 0.1in%%%%%
\settrimmedsize{11.0in}{8.5in}{*} %\settrimmedsize{ height }{ width }{ ratio }
\settypeblocksize{7.75in}{5.8in}{*} %\settypeblocksize{ height }{ width }{ ratio } %note: 7.25h gives margins of 1.5 on top/bottom w/ ubratio of 1
\setlrmargins{1.5in}{*}{*} %\setlrmargins{ spine }{ edge }{ ratio } %spine = left, edge = right; only answer one or two of these values
%\setlrmarginsandblock{1.5in}{1.0in}{*} %\setlrmarginsandblock{ spine }{ edge }{ ratio } %
%\setulmargins{*}{*}{*} %\setulmargins{ upper }{ lower }{ ratio }
%\setulmarginsandblock{0.5in}{*}{*} %\setulmarginsandblock{ upper }{ lower }{ ratio }
%\setheadfoot{*}{*} %\setheadfoot{ headheight }{ footskip }
%\setheaderspaces{1.0in}{*}{*} %\setheaderspaces{ headdrop }{ headsep }{ ratio }
\apptocmd{\sloppy}{\hbadness 10000\relax}{}{}

\renewcommand\@makefntext{\hspace*{2em}\@thefnmark. }
\SetCiteCommand{\parencite} %default is \cite
%%%%%%%%%%%%List of Appendices Macro%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \chapter{Test chapter \thedlf}
  \section{test section \thedlf}}
  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}
%\hyphenpenalty=5000   %1000 default=?
%\tolerance=1000        %1000 %200= default
\vbadness=10000 % badness above which bad vboxes are shown. (Default = 10000?)



Title of the Dissertatio

xxxxxx xxxxxx\\
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment\\
of the requirements for the degree of\\
Doctor of Philosophy\\
Department ...\\
New York University\\
September, 2017
{\rule[0pt]{45mm}{0.1mm}}\\ %rule[raise-height]{width}{height} * raise-height specifies how high to raise the rule (optional) * width specifies the length of the rule (mandatory) * height specifies the height of the rule (mandatory)

Prof. xxxxx



\begin{center} © xxxxxxx \\ All Rights Reserved, 2017\end{center}





\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% chapters and above
%this removes TOC listing from TOC
\chapter{List of Abbreviations}
\emph{ASFi} & Archivio di Stato di Firenze\\
\emph{ASMn} & Archivio di Stato di Mantova\\
\emph{ASPi} & Archivio di Stato di Pisa\\
\emph{ASVe}& Archivio di Stato di Venezia\\
\emph{ASVr}& Archivio di Stato di Verona\\
\emph{AG} & Archivio Gonzaga\\
\emph{AN} & Archivio Notarile\\
\emph{PM} & Principato Mediceo\\
\emph{BUPi} & Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa\\
\emph{BCTr} & Biblioteca Comunale di Trento\\
\emph{BUBo} & Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna\\
\emph{BNM} & Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana\\
\emph{BNCFi} & Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze\\
\emph{BnF} & Bibliothèque nationale de France\\
\emph{BNE} & Biblioteca Nacional de España\\
\emph{BSB} & Bayerische Staatsbibliothek\\
\emph{BAV} & Biblioteca dell'Accademia Virgiliana\\
\emph{IdF} & Institut de France\\
\emph{RVF} & Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta \\
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}
\index{chapter one}chapter one
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\index{chapter two}chapter two
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
%%%%%%%% Appendices %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\chapter{Appendix a} 
\section{more Kant}
\section{even more kant}
\chapter{Appendix b}
\chapter{Appendix c}
\chapter{Appendix d}



Best Answer

This method uses 'fake' .toc file handles by starting a new .app ToC.

First some explanation what goes wrong with the OP code:

The code from the O.P. effectively closes the .toc file prematurely and adds the following contents like the Bibliography ToC entry or the Index ToC entry to the Appendix ToC -- there is no chance to get them over to the real .toc.

Now here is another approach:

Before \appendices starts in calls the \listofappendices macro that inserts its name to the general ToC but uses the .app file instead of .toc.

From this position, all entries should go to the .app file and not to the .toc, so \let\tf@toc\tf@app is used, i.e. the file handles are changed.

At \endappendices, the original file handles are restored such that any other content goes back to the original .toc.

This solution is similar to another answer I gave here: How to have separate list of Appendix figures?



  \listofappendices% Use the 
    \string\let\string\latex@tf@toc\string\tf@toc% Store the original `\tf@lof` file handle

    \string\let\string\tf@toc\string\latex@tf@toc% Rename the file handle

  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}
  \let\@startoc@temp\@starttoc \def\@starttoc##1{\@startoc@temp{app}}%
  \tableofcontents \egroup






\chapter{Appendix a} 
\section{more Kant}
\section{even more kant}
\chapter{Appendix b}
\chapter{Appendix c}
\chapter{Appendix d}


enter image description here




    \string\let\string\latex@tf@toc\string\tf@toc% Store the original `\tf@lof` file handle

    \string\let\string\tf@toc\string\latex@tf@toc% Rename the file handle


  \renewcommand\contentsname{List of Appendices}
  \tableofcontents* \egroup





\index{chapter one}chapter one
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\index{chapter two}chapter two
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\chapter{Chapter 4}

\chapter{Appendix a} 
\section{more Kant}
\section{even more kant}
\chapter{Appendix b}
\chapter{Appendix c}
\chapter{Appendix d}
