[Tex/LaTex] Section style amsart


I am using amsart for writing my seminar talk. I changed the section style form scshape to bfseries by writing


However, this does also affect the style of things like References or Index. How can I prevent this? And why does this not affect the style of Contents as one can see here

enter image description here

Everything can be found here https://github.com/TheGeekGreek/harmonic_analysis.git. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can define a style-switching macro that switches between the original style - \originalsectionstyle and your newly-defined style - \newsectionstyle:


\let\oldsection\section% Store original \section
\let\old@secnumfont\@secnumfont% Store original \@secnumfont





\section{Linear Operators}\lipsum[1-10]

\section{The Real Method}\lipsum[11-20]

\section{The Complex Method}\lipsum[21-30]

\subsection{Hadamard's Three Lines Lemma}\lipsum[31-40]

\section{Interpolation of Analytic Families of Operators}\lipsum[41-50]


  \bibitem{abc} Abc


\originalsectionstyle reverts to the original formatting that was stored within the preamble. Here are their respective formatting settings if you wish to update them in a similar manner to what is done inside \newsectionstyle:

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