[Tex/LaTex] scrreprt – How to adjust distance between caption and table


I am new to LaTeX, tentatively using it to prepare a complicated industrial document (laboratory test report). I had selected the report class. After numerous experiments, I have just found that just switching to the KOMA-Script class scrreprt provides numerous visual changes that suit me, because they give the document a more "industrial" appearance that suits me well. My previous efforts in that direction involved a number of complicated settings concerning the headings of chapters, departing from the report class.
While most areas look fine, I am facing a problem with the distance between the captions and the upper limit of the tables, that is very small after the change of class. I used to use the code

\usepackage[margin=10pt, font=bf]{caption}

and I have replaced this line with:


as indicated in the KOMA-Script documentation.
However I cannot find a way to adjust the distance. Surprisingly, the distance between the bottom of a figure and the caption looks OK, but higher than with the previous report class, and for reasons I do not understand. How can I fix this?

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside,11pt, english]{scrreprt} % Mode production
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % UTF-8 encoding for code editing
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Usual fonts
\usepackage[draft]{graphicx} % Graphics-mode draft.
%\usepackage[margin=10pt, font=bf]{caption} % Setting options for captions



\caption {Test sequence group 2}
Description&Test per EN2591-&Remark\\
Visual examination  &1511       &\\
Shock           &4200       &\\
Visual examination  &15111      &\\
\end {tabularx}

\caption {Sample caption}


Best Answer

Either replace \caption with \captionabove inside table floats, or add the class option captions=tableheading. See section 3.20 of the KOMA-Script manual for details.

(EDIT: And as Axel Sommerfeldt commented, replace \begin{center} ... \end{center} with \centering.)

enter image description here

Another possibility (which also automatically adds \centering) is

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