[Tex/LaTex] scrlttr2 wider folding marks


I want to use folding marks with my scrlttr2 letters, however my printer margin cuts them off. Thus I want the marks to be a little bit longer/wider so that they reach farther into the document. How can I achieve this?

Here is an example code of my letter.

    pagenumber=false, % Removes page numbers from page 2 onwards
    parskip=half, % Separates paragraphs with some whitespace, use parskip=full for more space or comment out to return to default
    fromalign=locationright, % Aligns the from address to the right
    foldmarks=true, % Prints small fold marks on the left of the page
\setkomavar{date}{\today} % Date of the letter
 \begin{letter}{Recipient\\somestreet 15\\12345 postalcode} % Addressee name and address
\opening{To whom it may concern}
This is a letter body.
\closing{yours sincerely}

Best Answer

Well, following chapter 22.1 in the documentation of KOMA-Script (German version, open it with texdoc koma-script) you can use the command \@setplength to change the value of the relevant pseudolength foldmarkhpos. Because there is a @used in the command you need to use \makeatletter and \makeatother.

Please see the following MWE (changed code marked with <==========)

  pagenumber=false, % Removes page numbers from page 2 onwards
  parskip=half, % Separates paragraphs with some whitespace, use parskip=full for more space or comment out to return to default
  fromalign=locationright, % Aligns the from address to the right
  foldmarks=true, % Prints small fold marks on the left of the page
\setkomavar{date}{\today} % Date of the letter

\makeatletter % <=======================================================
\@setplength{foldmarkhpos}{1cm} % 3,5 mm % \@setplength[Faktor]{Pseudolänge}{Wert}
\makeatother % <========================================================


\begin{letter}{Recipient\\somestreet 15\\12345 postalcode} % Addressee name and address
\opening{To whom it may concern}
This is a letter body.
\closing{yours sincerely}

and the result:

enter image description here

Change the value 1cm to that what you need ...

If you are using an own lco file (as I do) you can add the command there (without \makeatletter and \makeatother).


Meanwhile (since version 3.26.2980, ~ since 2019) there is the "userspace"-command \setplength so that this solution reduces to:
