[Tex/LaTex] Scale .pgf image but preserve font size


Using Matplotlib, I generated a .pgf image.

import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams.update({"pgf.texsystem": "pdflatex"})
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots, show
from numpy import linspace
x = linspace(0, 100, 30)
fig, ax = subplots(figsize = (10, 6))
ax.scatter(x, x)

Which generates a long file: http://pastebin.com/tjLtTi5Q . I include this image in the document by using


I would like to scale it in such a way that the font size remains the same. Preferably by wrapping something around the \input{...} rather than changing the pgf file, though the later is acceptable if that's the only way.

Previous attempts include:

  • \begin{pgfpicture}[scale=0.5] found here, but scale only exists for tikzpicture
  • Trying to apply pgfmagnify, which I found here but can't get to work and can't find much documentation

  • Using \begin{pgfpicture}[width=0.5] which also doesn't do anything.

  • Using resizebox as mentioned here:


which (perhaps obviously) does not preserve font size.

EDIT: picture using the suggestion in the comment by Harish Kumar:

enter image description here

Part of the file that seems related to fonts:

\pgftext[x=0.501680in,y=2.691389in,right,]{{\sffamily\fontsize{12.000000}{14.400000}\selectfont 40}}%

Best Answer

You can scale the graphics by k using for example scalebox and scale the font by 1/k to compensate this. If you compile with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX you can use the scale features of fontspec.

Here is a simple example :

% to compile with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX


% font scale = .25*4 = 1
\setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}[Scale=.25]%
    \pgftext[x=4,y=4]{{\sffamily\fontsize{12.000000}{14.400000}\selectfont 40}}%

% font scale = .5*2 = 1
\setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}[Scale=.5]%
    \pgftext[x=4,y=4]{{\sffamily\fontsize{12.000000}{14.400000}\selectfont 40}}%


enter image description here