[Tex/LaTex] Same (multi) columns width with different margins in Beamer


I am using Modern Theme from https://github.com/matze/mtheme. When I try to use double column for one slide, the size of the margins are different. My code is as follows:

\usetheme{metropolis}           % Use metropolis theme
\begin{frame}{Introduction: Current Government - Political Change}
\textbf{Political Change: Ministry Creation}
{\small \begin{itemize}
\item Ministry of Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy. 
        \item  Work for the multiplication, strengthening, development and promotion of the Small Business of the Family Economy. 
        \item Focus on: Tourism, gastronomy, handicrafts, production of the family agriculture and services to the tourism.
\begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}  %%<--- here
    \textbf{Characteristics of the self-employed workers:}
    {\small \begin{itemize}
    \item Ministry of Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy. 

And my results are:

enter image description here

This is another slide with the same problem: enter image description here

What can I do to get the same margins?

Best Regards,

Best Answer

Two columns of .5\textwidth each cannot fit on a slide, as there is some distance between the columns. Either use onlytextwidth or smaller columns or even better both.

\usetheme{metropolis}           % Use metropolis theme


\begin{frame}{your frame}

    \begin{columns}[t, onlytextwidth]

\begin{frame}{smaller columns}



enter image description here