[Tex/LaTex] Round numbers while using plus/minus sign


I'm working currently with the siunitx-package and I would like to use scientific-notation mode, while rounding the numbers. It all works well until I use the \pm command to seperate the uncertainty from the value.

What I mean is using that code:



   scientific-notation = true,    
   load-configurations = abbreviations, 

\newcommand{\roundon[1]}{\sisetup{round-mode = places, round-precision = #1}}
\newcommand{\roundoff}{\sisetup{round-mode = off}}


\SI{1,324 e-5}{\metre}


everything works well. But if I try the following

\SI{1,324 \pm 0,053}{\metre}

it won't work. It's compiling but the numbers aren't rounded anymore.

Best Answer

As Joseph Wright explains in his comment, siunitx does not attempt to handle this, because human judgement is needed in deciding what the numbers mean and how to round them.

If you want to automate this, you will have to use a different tool.