[Tex/LaTex] rotating vs lscape vs pdflscape


I'm asking this looking for the ultimate answer. What are the main differences between the three of them? When should I use anyone in particular?

I know there is this question: Should I prefer {pdflscape} over [pdftex]{lscape}?, but it doesn't address the issue with the rotating package.

Also, there is this question: Rotating text by -90 degrees , but once gain: no reference about the rotating package.

Furthermore, I'm trying to get a figure (packages: graphicx, float, subcaption), and later on a Gantt diagram (packages: tikz, pgfgantt) on landscape layout.

Which one of the three should I use? What are the advantages of one over the other? (I have already gone through this question: Rotate Gantt Chart Figure, but the only answer is with lscape).

UPDATE: I ran some tests and it seems that when using a longtable environment pdflscape modifies all the pages along the table, whereas [pdftex]{lscape} only modifies the last one.



%\usepackage[pdftex]{lscape}  % Uncomment if you want to see the output with [pdftex]{lscape}

\begin{longtable}{l p{0.8\linewidth}}

WEFAPS          & \hspace{5mm} Wearable Fall Assessment \& Prediction System\\
WHO                 &   \hspace{5mm} World Health Organization\\
GDP                 & \hspace{5mm} Gross Domestic Product\\
PPP                 & \hspace{5mm} Purchasing Power Parities\\
MEMs                &   \hspace{5mm} Micro-Electromechanics\\
BDN                 & \hspace{5mm} Bayesian Dynamic Networks\\
ADL                 & \hspace{5mm} Activities of Daily Life\\
STST                &   \hspace{5mm} Sit-To-Stand Test\\
PPA                 &   \hspace{5mm} Physiological Profile Assessment\\
TUGT                &   \hspace{5mm} Timed Up-and-Go Test\\
DFRAC               & \hspace{5mm} Demura's Fall Risk Assessment Chart\\
STRATIFY        & \hspace{5mm} Saint Thomas's Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients\\
USUST               & \hspace{5mm} Unstructured and Unsupervised Test\\
WEFAPS          & \hspace{5mm} Wearable Fall Assessment \& Prediction System\\
WHO                 &   \hspace{5mm} World Health Organization\\
GDP                 & \hspace{5mm} Gross Domestic Product\\
PPP                 & \hspace{5mm} Purchasing Power Parities\\
MEMs                &   \hspace{5mm} Micro-Electromechanics\\
BDN                 & \hspace{5mm} Bayesian Dynamic Networks\\
ADL                 & \hspace{5mm} Activities of Daily Life\\
STST                &   \hspace{5mm} Sit-To-Stand Test\\
PPA                 &   \hspace{5mm} Physiological Profile Assessment\\
TUGT                &   \hspace{5mm} Timed Up-and-Go Test\\
DFRAC               & \hspace{5mm} Demura's Fall Risk Assessment Chart\\
STRATIFY        & \hspace{5mm} Saint Thomas's Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients\\
USUST               & \hspace{5mm} Unstructured and Unsupervised Test\\
WEFAPS          & \hspace{5mm} Wearable Fall Assessment \& Prediction System\\
WHO                 &   \hspace{5mm} World Health Organization\\
GDP                 & \hspace{5mm} Gross Domestic Product\\
PPP                 & \hspace{5mm} Purchasing Power Parities\\
MEMs                &   \hspace{5mm} Micro-Electromechanics\\
BDN                 & \hspace{5mm} Bayesian Dynamic Networks\\
ADL                 & \hspace{5mm} Activities of Daily Life\\
STST                &   \hspace{5mm} Sit-To-Stand Test\\
PPA                 &   \hspace{5mm} Physiological Profile Assessment\\
TUGT                &   \hspace{5mm} Timed Up-and-Go Test\\
DFRAC               & \hspace{5mm} Demura's Fall Risk Assessment Chart\\
STRATIFY        & \hspace{5mm} Saint Thomas's Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients\\
USUST               & \hspace{5mm} Unstructured and Unsupervised Test\\
WEFAPS          & \hspace{5mm} Wearable Fall Assessment \& Prediction System\\
WHO                 &   \hspace{5mm} World Health Organization\\
GDP                 & \hspace{5mm} Gross Domestic Product\\
PPP                 & \hspace{5mm} Purchasing Power Parities\\
MEMs                &   \hspace{5mm} Micro-Electromechanics\\
BDN                 & \hspace{5mm} Bayesian Dynamic Networks\\
ADL                 & \hspace{5mm} Activities of Daily Life\\
STST                &   \hspace{5mm} Sit-To-Stand Test\\
PPA                 &   \hspace{5mm} Physiological Profile Assessment\\
TUGT                &   \hspace{5mm} Timed Up-and-Go Test\\
DFRAC               & \hspace{5mm} Demura's Fall Risk Assessment Chart\\
STRATIFY        & \hspace{5mm} Saint Thomas's Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients\\
USUST               & \hspace{5mm} Unstructured and Unsupervised Test\\
WEFAPS          & \hspace{5mm} Wearable Fall Assessment \& Prediction System\\
WHO                 &   \hspace{5mm} World Health Organization\\
GDP                 & \hspace{5mm} Gross Domestic Product\\
PPP                 & \hspace{5mm} Purchasing Power Parities\\
MEMs                &   \hspace{5mm} Micro-Electromechanics\\
BDN                 & \hspace{5mm} Bayesian Dynamic Networks\\
ADL                 & \hspace{5mm} Activities of Daily Life\\
STST                &   \hspace{5mm} Sit-To-Stand Test\\
PPA                 &   \hspace{5mm} Physiological Profile Assessment\\
TUGT                &   \hspace{5mm} Timed Up-and-Go Test\\
DFRAC               & \hspace{5mm} Demura's Fall Risk Assessment Chart\\
STRATIFY        & \hspace{5mm} Saint Thomas's Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients\\
USUST               & \hspace{5mm} Unstructured and Unsupervised Test\\


Best Answer

lscape and pdflscape is the same, the first for using latex the second for pdflatex. If your image needs more or less the total \textheigth as width then use the landscape environment, defined by these packages. If the image is much more smaller and doesn't need the whole page then use \rotatebox or the environment turn or \hvfloat from the package of the same name if you also need a caption and, of course, no page break.

You do not need all those \hspace:

[ ... ]
\begin{longtable}{l @{\hspace{5mm}} p{0.8\linewidth}}

WEFAPS          &  Wearable Fall Assessment \& Prediction System\\

and viewing the pdf output with lscape is identical to the one with pdflscape

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