[Tex/LaTex] Rotate and clip shading in TikZ


I'm trying to produce a copy of the right hand side of this picture using TikZ shadings.

Trying to emulate both patterns on the right

I thought it would be a simple task but it has proven itself difficult (at least for me).

First I couldn't find a way to make that kind of shading inclined by default, so I opted to make it straight and then rotate the outcome and then clip it. The thing is, when rotating the figure ends up in a werid spot of the document (not centered). So I don't know exactly how to produce both patterns, rotate them, clip them and then placing them one under the other.

This is what I managed to do until now:

\begin{tikzpicture}%[transform canvas={rotate=45}]
 \foreach \i in {-3,...,3}
    {\shade [shading=axis,shading angle=90, xscale = 0.3] (2*\i,-10) rectangle (2*\i+1,-14);
    \shade [shading=axis,shading angle=-90, xscale = 0.3] (2*\i+1,-10) rectangle (2*\i+2,-14);};}

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Taking advantage of what you've already done, but changing a little the coordinates; for the lower part I used a custom pattern which is a variation of north east lines, but allowing you to specify the separation between the lines, their width and color:


% defining the new dimensions and parameters
% declaring the keys in tikz
         hatchshift/.code={\setlength{\hatchshift}{#1}},% must be >= 0
% setting the default values
         hatchshift=0pt,% must be >= 0
%\pgfdeclarepatternformonly{north east lines}{\pgfqpoint{-1pt}{-1pt}}{\pgfqpoint{4pt}{4pt}}{\pgfqpoint{3pt}{3pt}}%
%  \pgfsetlinewidth{0.4pt}
%  \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
%  \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{3.1pt}{3.1pt}}
%  \pgfusepath{stroke}

% declaring the pattern
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly[\hatchspread,\hatchthickness,\hatchshift,\hatchcolor]% variables
   {custom north east lines}% name
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr-2\hatchthickness}{\dimexpr-2\hatchthickness}}% lower left corner
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr\hatchspread+2\hatchthickness}{\dimexpr\hatchspread+2\hatchthickness}}% upper right corner
   {\pgfqpoint{\dimexpr\hatchspread}{\dimexpr\hatchspread}}% tile size
   {% shape description
    \ifdim \hatchshift > 0pt
%    \pgfsetdash{{1pt}{1pt}}{0pt}% dashing cannot work correctly in all situation this way


  (-4,-1.7) -- (-4,1) -- (4,1) -- (4,-2) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate around={12.5:(3,0)}}]
\foreach \i in {-8,...,8}
   \shade [overlay,shading=axis,shading angle=90, xscale = 0.3] (2*\i,3) rectangle (2*\i+1,-3);
   \shade [overlay,shading=axis,shading angle=-90, xscale = 0.3] (2*\i+1,3) rectangle (2*\i+2,-3);
    (-4,-1.7) -- (-4,-5) -- (4,-5) -- (4,-2) -- cycle;    
  pattern=custom north east lines,
    (-4,-1.7) -- (-4,-5) -- (4,-5) -- (4,-2) -- cycle;    
%Auxiliary grid
%  (-5,-5) grid (5,1);
%\foreach \Valor in {-5,...,5}
%  \node[below] at (\Valor,-5) {\Valor};  


enter image description here

The definition for the new pattern was inspired by Philippe Goutet's answer to Custom and built in TikZ fill patterns.

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