[Tex/LaTex] RevTex 4.2 Two-Column Journal Formatting for AIP


I am in the process of writing a paper for submission in AIP Physics of Fluids journal. I am using the RevTex 4.2 distribution to get their formatting, but I am unable to reproduce how the final document will be displayed. From my understanding, in order to see how my document will look like in journal formatting, I need to use the option reprint with two column formatting:


However, this still displays as one-column. I've tried switching to the preprint option, and it works in displaying two-column mode, but it lacks the final formatting of the journal, which is what I want to see. I use MikTex and I believe I installed RevTex correctly by copying the required folders to my MikTex local directory, and everything compiles fine, except for this issue.

This is my code (I omitted some first-page entries which should not make any difference):


\usepackage{graphicx}                                   % Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}                                    % Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}                                         % Bold math
\usepackage[group-separator={,}]{siunitx}               % SI units

\draft % marks overfull lines with a black rule on the right

\pdfoutput=1 % allows pdf output for LaTex compiler (instead of pdfLatex)


\title{Title of Paper} %Title of paper


insert abstract here 


Best Answer

In RevTex 4.2 twocolumn format in the document class should work. If it does not work, cueck out the type of journal you are inputting/using - second input in the code below.

For instance, Physical Review Letters which is prl, see the example below:
