[Tex/LaTex] Retrieve length of a character


I'm creating a custom command which basically prints an horizontal line, a character and another horizontal line. The code would be


Obviously, this goes further than the text margins, throwing a Overful \hbox error.

The question is: is there a way to get the width of a single character and then use this number or store it in a variable like, say, \charwidth? What I want to achieve is something similar to

\newcommand{\breaknote}{\noindent\rule[.5ex]{.5\textwidth - .5\charwidth}{.4pt}\S\rule[.5ex]{.5\textwidth - .5\charwidth}{.4pt}}

This way it would fit like a charm. I am aware that I could look at the error string and get from there the actual text overflow (in pts) thus reading the character length but I was wondering if there's something cleaner.

Best Answer

\newcommand{\breaknote}{\par\noindent\rule[.5ex]{.5\textwidth - .5\charwidth}{.4pt}\S\rule[.5ex]{.5\textwidth - .5\charwidth}{.4pt}\par}



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