[Tex/LaTex] Restart float numbering with endfloat with labels


I need to restart figure numbering in the Appendix, so that figures are 1, 2, ..; then S1, S2, …. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to have endfloat refer to the two groups of figures differently. What I would like to have happen is as in the following code (without endfloat):

% \usepackage{endfloat}

As we see in figure \ref{fig1} (and also in supplemental figure \ref{figS1}) \ldots

  \caption{ One.  } \label{fig1}


  \caption{ Supplement, one.  } \label{figS1}


… but uncommenting endfloat (and deleting temporary files) causes the text and list of figures to refer to S1 and S2 (instead of 1 and S1), and the [Figure X about here] to refer to 1 and 2.

Best Answer

The counter postfigure needs to also be reset, like so:




As we see in figure \ref{fig1} (and also in supplemental figure \ref{figS1}) \ldots
  \caption{ One.  } \label{fig1}


  \caption{ Supplement, one.  } \label{figS1}



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