[Tex/LaTex] Resources For Calculating Average Sentence Length


I'm writing my masters thesis and my supervisor has picked up my sentence structure, in that they are too long. She commented that Microsoft Word has a feature to investigate 'large' sentences. How can I do this with TeX? I'm using a mac and TexShop.

Best Answer

I think this is the easiest way. First, make sure you have pdftotext and diction installed. These should be available via MacPorts.

  1. Render your document to a PDF. Let's assume it's called paper.pdf.
  2. Grab the plain text from the PDF using pdftotext. At the terminal, run this: pdftotext paper.pdf paper.txt
  3. Now run style -l N paper.txt, where you should replace N with a number. This will print out all lines of your document that are longer than N words.

Alternatively, you can do it all as a one-liner:

$ pdflatex paper.tex && pdftotext paper.pdf - | style -l 20

style is extremely powerful and has many other features. For a good overview, see here.