[Tex/LaTex] Resize Table, elsarticle document class


On my previous question creating tables with multi row and column @zarko provide answer which not fulfill my requirements. i used it as base form new code for my table, but my effort doesnt gives what i expect. the code below gives:

enter image description here

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}

\caption{Augmented Dickey Fuller and KPSS Test Statistics for (Transformed) Sectoral Indices (y)}
%\sisetup{input-symbols={( - )},
         %table-space-text-post ={)},
                    \begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
\thead[l]{\\Banking-industry specific variables}
    &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{Levin, Lin and\\ Chu (LLC)}}
        &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{ADF-Fisher\\ chi-square}}    \\

Log of Loans-to-Assets  &-2.14  & &151.23& \\
&\textit{(0.05)}& &\textit{(0.02)}\\

Log of Credit quality &-0.486 & & 144.11& \\
&\textit{(0.04)}& &\textit{(0.01)}\\

Log of Diversification &2.441 & &112.23& \\
&\textit{(0.02)}& &\textit{(0.04)}\\

Log of Return on Assets &-3.235 & & 1.140& \\
&\textit{(0.01)}& &\textit{(0.03)}\\   

\textbf{Macroeconomic variables}
                        &       &           &
                                    \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{Fisher-ADF}}  \\
Real GDP growth         &       &           & -1.66     &   \\
$\Delta$ infl (inflation) &       &           & -4.62     &    \\

$\Delta$ Ur (unemployment rate)   &       &           & -1.45     &    \\

Exchange rate           &       &           & -0.76     &   \\

\textbf{Household-level indicators}
                        &       &           &
                                    \multicolumn{2}{c}{\thead{Fisher-ADF}}  \\
Income                  &       &           & 1.30      &          \\

Family size             &       &           & -1.07     &         \\

Age                     &       &           & -3.02     &        \\

Education               &       &           & -1.91     &       \\


Best Answer

Some comments and observations:

  • There's no need for adjustbox.

  • Keep the column structure simple: One column for labels, two columns for data.

  • Using the siunitx package and its S column type may be a bit of overkill for the current typesetting needs. All that's needed is the dcolumn package.

  • Less visual drama, please -- there's no need for bold-facing and italics, really.

enter image description here


\caption{Augmented Dickey Fuller and KPSS Test Statistics for (Transformed) Sectoral Indices (y)}
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % make LaTeX do all the work

\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l d{2.3} d{3.3} }
Banking-industry specific variables
    &  \mc{Levin, Lin and Chu (LLC)}
    &  \mc{ADF-Fisher chi-square}    \\

Log of Loans-to-Assets  &-2.14  & 151.23 \\
                        &(0.05) & (0.02) \\
Log of Credit quality   &-0.486 & 144.11 \\
                        &(0.04) & (0.01) \\
Log of Diversification  &2.441  & 112.23 \\
                        &(0.02) & (0.04) \\
Log of Return on Assets &-3.235 & 1.140  \\
                        &(0.01) & (0.03) \\   
Macroeconomic variables &&\mc{Fisher-ADF}  \\
Real GDP growth           && -1.66   \\
                          && (0.048) \\ 
$\Delta$ infl (inflation) && -4.62   \\
                          && (0.145)\\ 
$\Delta$ Ur (unemployment rate) && -1.45  \\
                          && (0.014) \\ 
Exchange rate             && -0.76   \\
                          && (0.042) \\ 
Household-level indicators&& \mc{Fisher-ADF}  \\
Income                    && 1.30    \\
                          && (0.001) \\ 
Family size               &&-1.07    \\
                          && (0.007) \\ 
Age                       &&-3.02    \\
                          && (0.002) \\ 
Education                 &&-1.91    \\
                          && (0.000) \\ 