[Tex/LaTex] “Required file tex/latex/arabi/bblopts/cfg is missing” followed by (files not found)


I just installed MikTex 2.9 and Winedt 10.3 on my work computer at the University. When I tried creating my first document in Winedt by using an old preamble that I've used before (running LaTeX first time), the following pops up: "the required file tex/latex/arabi/bblopts/cfg is missing. It is part of the following package: arabi" Then it says that the package will be installed from "Random Package Reposity", which is set by default to be the Internet. When I press next, I get an error mistake, saying it is not able to find the files (any file in reality, whatever file is the first in my preamble, more or less).

It seems to me that there is some security issue at hand, that access to the Internet is denied to MikTex by the system at my workplace. I have sent two mails to the informatics guys, but I have not received any response yet (from earlier experience that do not know much about LaTex and have not been able to help me out), so I thought I would ask here meanwhile. Could it be something else? I have found this post:

MiKTeX and babel: missing file and useless package installation required

which is one the same issue, but it did not help me much, since the accepted answer was Greek to me.

Best Answer

Create a folder structure like this: (C:\mytexmf is only an example, choose what you want here)


and put an empty file named bblopts.cfg in it

Then go to the miktex console->settings->Tab directories and add C:\mytexmf as new root.

miktex will then find this new bblopts.cfg and no longer try to download it.

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