[Tex/LaTex] Replicate the Singular Value Decomposition figure in LaTeX


I have tried to replicate a portion of this matrix decomposition system in LaTeX, but I am unable to draw the first and the last matrices with rectangular boxes.enter image description here

This is what I could do until now, which of course, is easy to write. I can use LatexDraw to draw this figure, but the figure will not look very elegant as this one:

\underbrace{\mathbf{A}}_{W \times D} = \underbrace{\mathbf{U}}_{W \times W} \times \underbrace{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_{W\times D} \times \underbrace{\mathbf{V}^{\text{T}}}_{D \times D} = 
    & . & & \text{\huge0}\\
    & & .\\
    & \text{\huge0} & & \sigma_r\\
    & & & & 0

Best Answer

Using TikZ and some matrix of math nodes:

Matrix factorization by SVD

The code:




A &= U\Sigma V^{T} \\
  matrix of math nodes,
  ampersand replacement=\&,
  left delimiter=(,
  right delimiter=),
  nodes in empty cells,
  nodes={outer sep=-\pgflinewidth,text depth=0.5ex,text height=2ex,text width=1.2em}
\begin{scope}[every right delimiter/.style={xshift=-3ex}]
\matrix[mymat] (matu)
 \& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
  at ([shift={(3pt,-7pt)}]matu-3-2.west) 
  at ([shift={(3pt,-7pt)}]matu-3-5.west) 
\foreach \Columna/\Valor in {1/1,3/r,4/{r+1},6/m}
  (matu-1-\Columna.north west)
  ([xshift=4pt]matu-6-\Columna.south west);
  at ([xshift=2pt]matu-1-\Columna.north west) 
  (matu-6-1.south west) -- 
   node[below=4pt] {$\Mcol(A)$}
  ([xshift=4pt]matu-6-3.south west);
  (matu-6-4.south west) -- 
   node[below=4pt] {$\Mnull(A)$}
  ([xshift=4pt]matu-6-6.south west);
\matrix[mymat,right=10pt of matu] (matsigma)
\sigma_{1} \& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \ddots \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \sigma_{r} \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& 0 \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \ddots \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& 0 \\
%\begin{scope}[every right delimiter/.style={xshift=-3ex}]
\matrix[mymat,right=25pt of matsigma] (matv)
 \& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\& \& \& \& \& \\
\foreach \Fila/\Valor in {1/1,3/r,4/{r+1},6/n}
  ([yshift=-6pt]matv-\Fila-1.north west)
  ([yshift=-10pt]matv-\Fila-6.north east);
  at ([yshift=-8pt]matv-\Fila-6.north east) 
  ([yshift=-6pt]matv-1-6.north east) -- 
   node[right=38pt] {$\Mrow(A)$}
  ([yshift=-10pt]matv-3-6.north east);
  ([yshift=-6pt]matv-4-6.north east) -- 
   node[right=38pt] {$\Mnull(A)$}
  ([yshift=-10pt]matv-6-6.north east);


The few missing elements are easy to add.

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