Floats – How to Replicate Figure Without Inserting New Entry in List of Figures

captionsfloatstable of contents

I would like to replicate a figure in Chapter 3 within Chapter 6 such that the figure is displayed and optionally, it has the caption and Figure number of the figure in Chapter 3. If that is not possible, I would like to remove its entry from the List of Figures so that 2 of the same figures are not present.

For the latter I was able to find this: Removing captions but I suspect it will add the entry to the list of Figures. Is this achievable? Secondly, is this the preferred way of performing a replication?

Best Answer

I recommend to use the caption package. It provides a command \caption* which produces a caption without an entry in the list of figures.

Further I guess you probably don't like to number the figure, this is possible with \caption* as well. That's because a new and different number 6.x looks as odd as repeating the number 3.x within chapter 6.

Finally, I would use a reference to 3.x instead of replicating the picture.