[Tex/LaTex] replacement for Times Roman that has Unicode math symbols and Greek letters


Another program (pandoc) is generating .tex files that are loaded with Unicode math symbols and Greek letters. I am successfully using those files with xelatex, but with the default fonts, it is hard to get math symbols and subscripts. The only "mainstream" serif font I have found that supports all these symbols is DejaVu Serif. But it looks very different from the Times New Roman that I have been using for all my other documents.

Is there another font, more closely approximating Times New Roman, that has extensive Unicode support? I have tried Tinos and Liberation Serif with no luck.

Here is a minimal non-working example:

\setmainfont{STIX} % subscripts are missing
% \setmainfont{DejaVu Serif} % subscripts are present
I want x₁ ↦ τ₂.

With STIX, I get the math symbol, but not the Unicode subscripts. What font can do both, and looks mostly like Times Roman?

Best Answer

STIX Two Math has (almost) full coverage for upright text; you can use it together with the STIX Two Text fonts.


\setmainfont{STIX Two}[
  UprightFont={* Math},
  ItalicFont={* Text Italic},
  BoldFont={* Text Bold},
  BoldItalicFont={* Text Bold Italic},


I want x₁ ↦ τ₂.

\textit{Italic τ₂}

\textbf{Bold τ₂}

\textbf{\textit{Bold Italic τ₂}}


Math specific characters are of course missing from the Text fonts.

enter image description here