math-mode – How to Replace $$ … $$ Macro with \[ … \] Macros for Better LaTeX Layout


Is there a way to replace the $$ ... $$ macro with the \[ ... \] macros? (and replace inline mathmode as well)

I realised the only way I can write the \sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i is between the \[ ... \] LaTeX maths-mode. It also seems to layout the maths nicer (bigger, with gaps).

However, $$ ... $$ is faster to write… so is there a way to replace the $$ ... $$ macro, to act in the LaTeX fashion?

Best Answer

This is not a direct answer to your question but maybe a better solution: use snippet management to ease writing \[ ... \] constructions. This of course requires an editor with support for snippets management.

You could create a snippet that activates when writing $Tab (or some key command) and when it's activates it inputs



and places the cursor between them.

In many snippets managers this snippet is simply:


For an explanation of how YASnippet, a snippet manager for Emacs, works, see Working with templates.