[Tex/LaTex] Repeating an equation including its content and number


I would like to re-use equations with the same content and number. I know that the thmtools package has a restatable environment to do this for environments (like in this answer), but I would also like to do this with a single equation that is only part of some environment.

I had a look at the following questions which only aim at repeating the equation number but typing the whole equation twice (the first three) or repeat the content of the equation without a number (the last one):

Based on the answers provided there and on the last part of this answer I tried to create a macro \restatableeq for restable equations like this:





\restatableeq{\eqone}{This & is & eqation 1}{eq1}\\
Another & simple & equation

One & more & equation\\
\restatableeq{\eqtwo}{This & is & eqation 2}{eq2}

Here, we use (\ref{eq1}) and (\ref{eq2}) again:


Unfortunately, it does not work and yields:

! Missing { inserted.
<to be read again>
l.10 ...ableeq{\eqone}{This & is & eqation 1}{eq1}

My guess is that the & symbols are not treated as intended but I may well be wrong there.

How can I define a command like \restatableeq that allows me to re-use equations with the same content and number in a setting like in this example (and give it a label such that I can still use \ref as usual in addition to that)?

Best Answer

There are a couple of flaws in your document.

  1. You use \xdef{\unexpanded...}. This is essentially \gdef, which totally suffices here.
  2. Your use of \unexpanded is wrong. \unexpanded expects a balanced token list delimited by explicit {, }. If you want to protect a single token from expansion in \edef, use \noexpand. Enrico wrote a nice answer about that.
  3. You use eqnarray. Never use eqnarray.
  4. \tag does not work in eqnarray.

Here is a fixed version.

\restatableeq{\eqone}{This & is & eqation 1}{eq1}\\
Another & simple & equation

One & more & equation\\
\restatableeq{\eqtwo}{This & is & eqation 2}{eq2}

Here, we use (\ref{eq1}) and (\ref{eq2}) again:

enter image description here

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