Math Mode – Repeated Division for Base 10 Conversion


I am teaching how to convert from one base to another base, however, I can't find a way to do something like this:

enter image description here

I know little about Tikz, the only thing I have been able to produce is a simple square with a couple of lines over it, so I don't even know where to start. Any suggestions? I don't mind typing all the numbers, what I want to do is to automatize the process of creating the lines.

Best Answer

EDIT: This answer contains 3 versions, the first one based on my misunderstanding of the approach given above, and the second one is (I hope) a more correct interpretation. The third version allows conversions for bases up to base 36(!) (but restricted to the range of numbers for the pgfmath engine, i.e., 0-16383).

The first one:



    \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.5cm}, x=1cm,y=0.5cm]
            \node at (\pgfmathcounter, -\pgfmathcounter+1) (tmp) {\the\targetbase};
            \draw (tmp.north west) |- (tmp.south east);
            \node at (\pgfmathcounter-1, -\pgfmathcounter) (tmp) {\pgfmathparse{int(\total*\targetbase)}\pgfmathresult};
            \draw (tmp.south west) -- (tmp.south east);
            \node at (\pgfmathcounter-1, -\pgfmathcounter-1) [text=red] {\digit};
            \node at (\pgfmathcounter, -\pgfmathcounter) [text=red]  {\the\total};
            \node at (\pgfmathcounter, -\pgfmathcounter) {\the\total};
        \divide\total by\targetbase
    \draw [->] (\pgfmathcounter-1,-\pgfmathcounter-1) -- ++(-0.5,0); 
    \node [anchor=west] at (1, -\pgfmathcounter-2) {$#1=\newnumber_{\the\targetbase}$};

\basetenconversiontable{478}{7} \\ 
\basetenconversiontable{1362}{5} \\
\basetenconversiontable{365}{3} \\


enter image description here

The second one:




            \divide\tmptotal by10%

    \node (base conversion table) {%
            table node/.style={
                text width=\tablecolumnwidth, 
                inner sep=0pt,
                minimum height=0.5cm, 
                minimum width=\tablecolumnwidth+5pt
    \draw [->](base conversion table.south east) -- ++(-0.5,0);
    \node [below, anchor=north west] at (base conversion table.south west) {$#1=\convertednumber_{#2}$};    

    \divide\tmptotal by\targetbase
        \node at (0, 0) [table node, red] (@) {$\the\columntotal$};%
        \node at (1, 0) [table node] (@) {$\the\targetbase$};%
        \draw (@.north west) |- (@.south east);
        \node at (0,0) [table node] {$\the\columntotal$};%
            \advance\digitcount by-1
                \node at (0,-\pgfmathcounter*2) [table node, red] (@) {$\the\columntotal$};%
                \node at (0,-\pgfmathcounter*2) [table node](@) {$\the\columntotal$};%
            \draw (@.north west) -- (@.north east);
            \node at (0,-\pgfmathcounter*2+1) [table node] {$\remainder$};%



enter image description here

Third version. I think it works correctly. It's all a teensy bit kludgy anyway.




    \or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or k\or l\or m%
    \or n\or p\or p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\else?\fi%

            \divide\tmptotal by10%

    \node (base conversion table) {%
            table node/.style={
                text width=\tablecolumnwidth, 
                inner sep=0pt,
                minimum height=0.5cm, 
                minimum width=\tablecolumnwidth+5pt
    \draw [->](base conversion table.south east) -- ++(-0.5,0);
    \node [below, anchor=north west] at (base conversion table.south west) {$#1=\convertednumber_{#2}$};    

    \divide\tmptotal by\targetbase
        \node at (0, 0) [table node] (@) {%
            \\% For some reason necessary.
        \node at (1, 0) [table node] (@) {$\the\targetbase$};%
        \draw (@.north west) |- (@.south east);
        \node at (0,0) [table node] {$\the\columntotal$};%
            % Hmm this is a kludge.
            \advance\digitcount by-1
                \node at (0,-\pgfmathcounter*2) [table node] (@) {%
                \node at (0,-\pgfmathcounter*2) [table node](@) {$\the\columntotal$};%
            \draw (@.north west) -- (@.north east);
            \node at (0,-\pgfmathcounter*2+1) [table node] {$\remainder$};%



enter image description here