[Tex/LaTex] Removing fields from BibDesk


Apologies if this question has been posted somewhere else, but I have not managed to find an answer that works for me.

I am trying to create a bibliography using Harvard style, using BibDesk to create the .bib file, and Biber and BibLatex.

However, the bibliography contains the DOI, the URL, the ISSN, a further e-print URL – all things I do not want.

My question is: is there a way to delete these fields in BibDesk, so that they are absent in the .bib file?

Best Answer

There is no need to remove these fields from the bibtex files. All you have to do is to use the isbn, dii and url option of biblatex and set them to false, i.e.,

\usepackage[doi=false, issn=false, url=false]{biblatex}

Alternatively you can use


to remove other unwanted fields.