[Tex/LaTex] Removing author and title from footline of beamer slide (madrid theme)


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I am writing a beamer presentation using the Madrid theme and I would like to eliminate author and title names from the footnote of the slide. How to do it?

Here is my MWE:


           \title{Some title}

          \author{guy1  \and guy2  \\
            guy3  \and guy4 }

          \date{Florence, June 13\textsuperscript{th} 2018}



          some nice text


Best Answer

Quick solution: define an empty alternative for the footline by using \title[]{Some title}

(I could not compile your MWE and had to remove \renewcommand\bibsection{\section[]{\refname}})

%           \renewcommand\bibsection{\section[]{\refname}}

           \title[]{Some title}

          \author[]{guy1  \and guy2  \\
            guy3  \and guy4 }

          \date{Florence, June 13\textsuperscript{th} 2018}



          some nice text
