[Tex/LaTex] Remove space before itemize


I have defined a \newcommand called \NewEntry that takes two parameters and prints one above the other.

    #1 \\

Calling this command by

\item First Item
\item Second Item

leads to a vertical space between "ENTRY" and "First item", even though topsep is set to zero.

enter image description here

I would like to remove this space.

If the command is called by

\item First Item
\item Second Item

then "Blah" occupies the space that I am trying to remove.

enter image description here

A MWE follows:


    #1 \\

    \item First Item
    \item Second Item
    \item First Item
    \item Second Item

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

enter image description here


    #1 \par\noindent

    \item First Item
    \item Second Item

    \item First Item
    \item Second Item


itemize starts in a new line by itself, so adding one more \\ in your macro will lead to a blank line. Replacing this with \par\noindent can solve the problem. Further, you may remember adding an empty pair {} so perhaps you might add another argument later.