[Tex/LaTex] Remove section from TOC while keeping its own page header

table of contents

This is my first question submission to StackExchange, so please bear with me.

I have a thesis using the scrartcl class and classicthesis package. I would like for my Abstract to exist on its own page, with its own page header in the top right corner that says "Abstract" next to the page number, just like for every other section. However, I neither want the Abstract to have a section number, nor do I want it to show up in my Table of Contents. I searched many times for an answer to this specific question, and while I can find ways to remove it from the ToC, or to remove its section number, or to place it on its own page with its own page header, I cannot find a way to do all three simultaneously. It's also important for the section following the Abstract, the Introduction, to be the first section with a section number of 1.

In the code below, note that the output shows the page header as "Contents" for the page(s) where the Abstract sits, and I'd like for it to say "Abstract" instead, without giving the Abstract a section number or place in the ToC.

    headinclude,footinclude, % Extra spacing for the header and footer

nochapters, % Turn off chapters since this is an article        
]{classicthesis} % The layout is based on the Classic Thesis style

\usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inserting dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template

\title{Title} % The article title

\maketitle % Print the title/author/date block
\tableofcontents % Print the table of contents
\section*{Abstract} % starred section doesn't get the correct header
%\section{Abstract} % unstarred section gets the correct header



Best Answer

You can use

\section*{Abstract} % starred section doesn't get the correct header
\markright{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Abstract}}% set the header

enter image description here


    headinclude,footinclude, % Extra spacing for the header and footer
nochapters, % Turn off chapters since this is an article        
]{classicthesis} % The layout is based on the Classic Thesis style
\usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inserting dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
\title{Title} % The article title
\maketitle % Print the title/author/date block
\tableofcontents % Print the table of contents
\section*{Abstract} % starred section doesn't get the correct header
\markright{\spacedlowsmallcaps{Abstract}}% set the header

Note that classicthesis breaks many KOMA-Script features. Without classicthesis I would use the class option headings=optiontoheadandtoc and then \addsec[tocentry={}]{Abstract}:

\pagestyle{headings}% set the page style
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