[Tex/LaTex] Remove indent from table environment, and center-set the resulting table

amsarthorizontal alignmenttables

How can I center my table if I'd like it to be ´1.5\textwidth´?


 \multicolumn{6}{c}{Care Type} \\
 \textbf{Direct care} & \textbf{Housekeeping} & \textbf{Mealtimes} & \textbf{Medication rounds  } & \textbf{Miscellaneous} & \textbf{Personal care} \\
 Blood pressure measurement & Equipment cleaning& Dispensing meals& Distributing medication&Call requests&Toiletting\\
 & &&&&\\
 Weights & Cleaning patient surfaces& &Injections&Bed making &Changing\\
 & &&&&\\
 SATs~\footnote{Blood sugar saturation}  & &&&&\\
 \caption{Activity type and examples of each}


Looks like this:

enter image description here


Using \centerline{\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{...} I get:

enter image description here

Using \centering\makebox{\textwidth}{} I get:
enter image description here

Using \begin{tabularx}{1.5\textwidth}{*6X}

 % \centerline
\begin{tabularx}{1.5\textwidth}{*6X} % \begin{tabularx}{llllll}
 \multicolumn{6}{c}{Care Type} \\
 \textbf{Direct care} & \textbf{Housekeeping} & \textbf{Mealtimes} & \textbf{Medication rounds  } & \textbf{Miscellaneous} & \textbf{Personal care} \\
 Blood pressure measurement & Equipment cleaning& Dispensing meals& Distributing medication&Call requests&Toiletting\\
 & &&&&\\
 Weights & Cleaning patient surfaces& &Injections&Bed making &Changing\\
 & &&&&\\
 SATs~\footnote{Blood sugar saturation}  & &&&&\\
 \caption{Activity type and examples of each}

Best Answer

\noindent does nothing inside a LR box. You could use \makebox but simpler perhaps just use the plain TeX derived \centerline. Assuming 1.5\textwidth fits on the paper....

(Code modified to use \makebox original \centerline version commented out.)


 % \centerline
 \multicolumn{6}{c}{Care Type} \\
 \textbf{Direct care} & \textbf{Housekeeping} & \textbf{Mealtimes} & \textbf{Medication rounds  } & \textbf{Miscellaneous} & \textbf{Personal care} \\
 Blood pressure measurement & Equipment cleaning& Dispensing meals& Distributing medication&Call requests&Toiletting\\
 & &&&&\\
 Weights & Cleaning patient surfaces& &Injections&Bed making &Changing\\
 & &&&&\\
 SATs~\footnote{Blood sugar saturation}  & &&&&\\
 \caption{Activity type and examples of each}

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