[Tex/LaTex] Remove everything that is in math mode


The package comment.sty allows one to typeset

stuff that will be suppressed from output file


stuff that will be suppressed from output file

One can even suppress the contents of already defined environments, for instance {proof}.

In this spirit, I would like to suppress everything that is in math mode, whatever the way it starts: $, \(, $$, \begin{displaymath}, etc.
The output should be as if the contents of everything that is in math mode was not in the source file.

Can this be done?

Best Answer

There are a few very different ways to enter and to exit math mode:

  1. TeX math shift character, catcode 3, typically $
  2. LaTeX macros \(<math>\) and \[<math>\]
  3. LaTeX environments math and displaymath
  4. amsmath environments
  5. Not directly in the source: macros that were defined with the original catcode of $ cannot be hidden with the described methods.

1. TeX math shift

An easy redefintion of $ (catcode 13, active) solves this.

\def${%                        % TeX math shift (not anymore)
\def\killA#1${\ignorespaces}   % TeX inline math
\def\killB$#1$${\ignorespaces} % TeX display math

The macro \killA kills inline math ($<math>$) with removing any spaces that comes after the last $. Without \ignorespaces, something like Text $ f(x) $ text would be typset as Text␣␣text. (This would be disallowed by “The output should be as if the contents of everything that is in math mode was not in the source file.”)

2. LaTeX macros \(<math>\) and \[<math>\]

A TeX re-definition of those macros suffice:

\def\(#1\){\ignorespaces} % LaTeX inline math
\def\[#1\]{\ignorespaces} % LaTeX display math

Without the white-space problem (see above), the following would work too:


3. LaTeX environments math and displaymath

The LaTeX environments math and displaymath use internally $ and \[ and \], but the solutions above do not work here (they do more harm instead).

But with the help of the environ package we can simply redefine those environments:

\def\killMe#1{%                % for math environments
    \expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname\relax
    \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\relax


The first two lines of the \killMe macro let \<environment> and \end<environment> to \relax so that \NewEnviron thinks they aren’t already defined. \NewEnviron automatically inserts a \ignorespaces in the \end part of the environment.

4. amsmath environments

The amsmath package provides a few environments that are “silenced” in the same way with the \killMe macro. For example:




\def\killMe#1{%                      for math environments
    \expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname\relax
    \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\relax

    \def\(#1\){\ignorespaces}%        LaTeX inline math
    \def\[#1\]{\ignorespaces}%        LaTeX display math

%   \let\[\iffalse
%   \let\]\fi
%   \let\(\iffalse
%   \let\)\fi

    \def${%                            TeX math shift
    \def\killA#1${\ignorespaces}%     TeX inline math
    \def\killB$#1$${\ignorespaces}%   TeX display math

    \killMe{displaymath}%              displaymath relies on \[ and \] and cannot live
    %                                  without the right definition of \[ and \]
    \killMe{math}%      %              math relies on $ as math shift character and would work
    %                                  although $ is active and redefined

$ i^n TeX $
\( i^n LaTeX \)
$$ o^ut TeX $$
\[ o^ut LaTeX \]
 f(x) & = x^2
 f(x) & = x^2
 f(x) = x^2 (displaymath)
    2^3 (math)

Text $ f(x) $ text


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