[Tex/LaTex] Remove Contents Heading From Table of Contents on Title Page

table of contents

I'm having difficulty removing the contents heading from my Latex document, possibly because I'm using a title page.

I've tried the standard ways I found online such as:

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Option 4


The code I'm using is here:


{\normalfont} {} {5pt} {\Large\bfseries\thesection.\quad}


  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw [line width=0.5mm,decorate]
    ($ (current page.north west) + (0.5cm,-0.5cm) $)
    ($ (current page.south east) + (-0.5cm,0.5cm) $);

  {\huge Title} 

Does anybody have any ideas?



Best Answer

This worked for me:



{\normalfont} {} {5pt} {\Large\bfseries\thesection.\quad}


  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw [line width=0.5mm,decorate]
    ($ (current page.north west) + (0.5cm,-0.5cm) $)
    ($ (current page.south east) + (-0.5cm,0.5cm) $);

  {\huge Title} 
\section{Some content}